12 Best Beginner Real Estate Videography Tips

by | Videography

If you’re a beginner in the real estate videography world, you might wonder where to start.

The answer is simple: preparation and the right equipment.

In this article, we’ll share twelve essential videography tips that can help you create stunning real estate videos that showcase a property’s best features and help it stand out in a competitive market.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating professional-looking real estate videos.

What Is Real Estate Videography?

Real estate videography captures footage of real estate to showcase a property and create a virtual tour that helps potential buyers get a feel for the space.

People love watching these videos because it helps them imagine themselves living in the space.

And, with more and more people searching for properties online, real estate videography has become super popular.

There are different techniques used to make real estate videos really cool, like using drones to capture aerial footage or making 360-degree videos that let viewers explore the space.

At the end of the day, real estate videography is a great way for real estate agents and videographers to make a property stand out and attract more potential buyers.

Why Is Good Real Estate Videography So Important?

Having good videography is super important when it comes to making real estate videos that really pop and help a property stand out.

The way your video looks can make a huge difference in how someone sees the property you’re showcasing, especially when there’s a lot of competition.

When you do real estate videography right, you can help people imagine themselves actually living in the space.

This emotional connection can be a game-changer when it comes to making a sale.

You can really bring a property to life and create an immersive experience that grabs people’s attention and makes them want to learn more.

Another big benefit of good videography is that you can highlight all the unique features of a property in a way that’s easy to understand.

Things like views, finishes, and room sizes can all be shown off in a visually appealing way that really drives home the value of the property.

At the end of the day, high-quality videography can help make a real estate video that’s both professional and exciting.

This can be a key factor in attracting potential buyers and getting them interested in the property you’re showcasing.

Having good videography is super important when it comes to making real estate videos that really pop and help a property stand out.

Equipment & Preparation

When it comes to real estate videography, having the right equipment and preparation can make all the difference in capturing high-quality footage of a property.

In this section, we’ll be sharing tips on choosing the right equipment, preparing for a shoot, and ensuring that you have everything you need to create stunning real estate videos.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating videos that showcase the best features of a property and help it stand out in a competitive market.

1. Choose The Right Camera & Lenses

When it comes to creating impressive real estate videos, it’s crucial to choose the right camera and lenses.

A high-quality camera with good low-light performance, manual control options, and fast autofocus is essential for capturing clear and bright footage of the property.

Plus, with manual control over settings like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, you can fine-tune the camera’s performance for each shot.

As for lenses, a wide-angle lens is a must-have for capturing the property’s unique features and details.

With a wide-angle lens, you can capture a larger field of view and showcase more of the property in a single shot.

Whether you’re filming a cozy living room or a spacious backyard, investing in a quality wide-angle lens can make all the difference in creating stunning real estate videos.

2. Use A Tripod Or Gimbal For Steady Shots

Using a tripod or gimbal is essential for capturing stable footage that looks professional and polished.

Shaky footage can be distracting and take away from the overall quality of the video, while stable footage can help the property shine and stand out.

A tripod is a basic yet essential tool for real estate videography, providing a stable base for your camera and allowing you to adjust the height and angle of your shots.

Alternatively, a gimbal can be a great investment for real estate videographers on the move, as it offers smooth and stable footage while allowing you to move around more freely.

Ultimately, investing in a tripod or gimbal can make a big difference in the overall quality of your real estate videos, helping them look more professional and stand out from the competition.

3. Bring Extra Batteries & Memory Cards

When shooting real estate videos, it’s important to bring extra batteries and memory cards.

Running out of power or storage space can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience, and can even prevent you from capturing important shots.

Be sure to bring extra fully charged batteries and memory cards with you on every shoot to avoid this issue.

It’s also a good idea to invest in a quality memory card that can handle large video files, and to format your cards before each shoot to ensure they’re ready to go.

By bringing extra batteries and memory cards, you’ll be prepared for any unexpected situations and can focus on capturing high-quality footage of the property.

Using a tripod or gimbal is essential for capturing stable footage that looks professional and polished.

Planning Your Shots

When it comes to real estate videography, planning your shots is crucial to capturing stunning footage of the property.

In this section, we’ll be sharing tips on how to plan your shots effectively to create a professional-looking video.

3. Create A Shot List & Storyboard

Before you begin filming, it’s a good idea to create a shot list and storyboard for your video.

This will help you stay organized and ensure that you capture all the essential shots you need to showcase the property effectively.

Your shot list should include a list of all the specific shots you need to capture, such as shots of the exterior, interior rooms, and unique features of the property.

A storyboard, on the other hand, is a visual representation of the video, including sketches of each shot and how they’ll flow together in the final video.

By creating a shot list and storyboard, you can plan your shots more efficiently, ensure you capture everything you need, and create a more cohesive and visually appealing video.

4. Consider The Best Time Of Day For Natural Lighting

Lighting is a critical factor in real estate videography, as it can dramatically impact the overall look and feel of your footage.

Natural light can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, so it’s essential to consider the best time of day for filming to take advantage of this.

The ideal time to film is during the “golden hour,” which is the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset.

During this time, the natural light is softer and warmer, creating a more flattering and natural look.

If filming during the golden hour isn’t possible, be sure to avoid harsh midday light, as it can create unflattering shadows and wash out the footage.

5. Use Different Angles & Perspectives To Showcase The Property

To create a dynamic and visually appealing video, it’s important to use a variety of angles and perspectives when filming.

This will help showcase the property’s unique features and create a more engaging viewing experience for potential buyers.

Consider filming from different heights, such as from a low angle or high angle, to show off the property’s scale and perspective.

You can also experiment with different camera angles, such as tilting or panning, to create more movement and visual interest.

By using different angles and perspectives, you can create a more dynamic and engaging real estate video that showcases the property’s best features and helps it stand out in a competitive market.

Before you begin filming, it’s a good idea to create a shot list and storyboard for your video.

Setting The Stage

Capturing a property’s best features isn’t just about having the right equipment and planning your shots.

Setting the stage is also an essential part of the real estate videography process.

In this section, we’ll share tips on how to prepare the property for filming, using staging techniques to enhance its appeal, and adding subtle details to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

7. Declutter & Clean The Space Before Filming

Before filming, it’s essential to declutter and clean the property thoroughly.

A cluttered space can be distracting and take away from the property’s best features, while a clean and tidy space can help it shine.

Make sure all surfaces are free from clutter, and remove any personal items that might be distracting or make the space look too lived-in.

Be sure to also clean the space thoroughly, including floors, surfaces, and windows.

Furthermore, personal items can make the space appear too lived-in, making it difficult for the viewers to envision themselves living in the property.

So, it is recommended to remove any personal belongings, such as family photos, books, or other personal items that might distract the viewers from the property’s actual features.

8. Use Staging Techniques

Staging techniques can help enhance the property’s appeal and create a more inviting and attractive space.

Consider adding small touches like fresh flowers or plants, decorative pillows, or artwork to create a more welcoming atmosphere.

You can also use furniture and decor to create a sense of scale and help potential buyers visualize themselves living in the space.

For example, adding a rug or coffee table to a living room can help create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Furniture and decor can also be used to create a sense of scale and purpose in the space.

9. Add Subtle Details To Create A Warm & Inviting Atmosphere

In addition to staging techniques, adding subtle details can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the property.

Consider adding soft lighting, such as table lamps or floor lamps, to create a cozy atmosphere.

You can also add small details like candles, books, or a throw blanket to create a sense of coziness and make the space feel more inviting.

By decluttering and cleaning the space, using staging techniques, and adding subtle details, you can create a more inviting and attractive space that stands out in a competitive market.

Consider adding soft lighting, such as table lamps or floor lamps, to create a cozy atmosphere.

Capturing The Footage

Once you have the right equipment and have prepared for the shoot, it’s time to start capturing footage of the property.

In this section, we’ll share tips on how to capture the best footage of the property, from establishing shots to showcasing key features and incorporating dynamic camera movements.

10. Start With Establishing Shots To Set The Scene

When filming a real estate video, it’s important to start with establishing shots that set the scene and give viewers a sense of the property’s location and surroundings.

This can include shots of the neighbourhood, nearby amenities, and the exterior of the property.

Establishing shots help to create a context for the rest of the video and can make viewers feel more connected to the property before they even step inside.

So, make sure to capture some high-quality establishing shots at the beginning of your real estate video to set the scene and engage your audience.

11. Showcase Key Features Of The Property

One of the primary goals of a real estate video is to showcase the best features of the property.

This can include unique architecture, stunning views, spacious rooms, or beautiful outdoor space.

To showcase these key features, it’s important to plan your shots carefully and think about how you can highlight them in your video.

This might involve using a wide-angle lens to capture the scale of a room or framing your shots to emphasize certain architectural details.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different angles and shots to showcase the best features of the property.

By highlighting the unique aspects of the property, you can create a more engaging and memorable real estate video.

12. Incorporate Dynamic Camera Movements

Incorporating dynamic camera movements can add visual interest and energy to your real estate video.

This might include using a drone to capture aerial footage of the property or using a slider or dolly to add movement to your shots.

Dynamic camera movements can help to keep viewers engaged and interested in the video, and can also help to showcase the property from unique perspectives.

However, it’s important to use dynamic camera movements sparingly and purposefully, as too much movement can be distracting and take away from the overall quality of the video.

So, when planning your real estate video, think about how you can incorporate dynamic camera movements in a way that adds value to the video and showcases the property in the best possible light.

Using a drone can help you to capture dynamic real estate footage.

The Bottom Line

Real estate videography is becoming increasingly popular as more people search for properties online.

The way a video looks can make a big difference in how someone sees the property being showcased, especially in a competitive market.

Good videography can help potential buyers imagine themselves living in the space, and highlight all the unique features of a property in a visually appealing way.

It is important to have the right equipment and preparation, such as choosing the right camera and lenses, using a tripod or gimbal for steady shots, and bringing extra batteries and memory cards.

Planning your shots is also crucial to capturing stunning footage of the property, which can be achieved by creating a shot list and storyboard.

By following these essential videography tips, beginners can create professional-looking real estate videos that showcase a property’s best features and help it stand out in the market.

Happy shooting!

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